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I would legitimately would play another 2-3 levels of this. Good work! :D

…also needs a secret cheat code where you can unlock a cat. (Sorry.)

Hehe, I'm glad you liked it, thank you! It would be fun to expand it someday, with more dogs and levels and maybe a cat :3c


super simple, yet genius at the same time. seriously, great job devs. its all been done before. side scrolling shooter, but with dogs. lol . great imagination. then ya give em classes, like mage or etc. give em each one attack and a hand full or so of hits each. thrown in obsticals and hazards too. its brilliant! most devs would have settled with that and called it a win. but you then let me change the formations. thank you devs, youve gone above and beyond. an d appreciate that you knew when to stop and release it to the public. this is gold my friends. all while keeping it simple and pretty basic. it proves that simple solid ideas mashed together = gaming greatness. brqvo devs, you are on the radar, i guarantee success in your future, if you continue with this same formula

Thank you so much :D I'm really glad you enjoyed it!! I'll do my best to keep making exciting games!


Simple, short, and enjoyable! Dogs are best boys! 

Ahhh, thank you so much for playing, I'm glad you liked it! They are very good dogs :D


Cute, simple little game I picked up in the Ukraine bundle. However, one immediate problem I ran into was the lack of settings. Want to turn down the volume? too bad. Don't like full-screen? Yeah right. Want to go back to dog selection? Quit and try again.

The game itself is fine, but just a little more polish goes a heck of a long way.


Thanks! I'm sorry for the inconvenience - you're right, those features need to be there. I will try to update the game with them when I have the chance.


Thanks for the reply, it's awesome you're so active in your comments! Thanks for producing fun and cute games. :)


If the pink dog dies it doesnt have a 'knocked out' sprite.

The game felt needlessly long before fighting a boss. Remember, less is more. 

I can't imagine how much play testing you did just playing the first stage it's a little frustrating.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep it in mind if I expand on this in the future, especially the overly-long stages.


When I was fighting the first boss one of the dogs died. This moved me to the next stage. I am not sure at this point - did I even defeat that boss?

Hmm, that is weird! My guess is most likely you defeated the boss at the same time your dog was ko'd.


What a wonderful game thank you for blessing us with this gem :D


Thank you so much, I'm glad I could bring you a smile :D


I'm enjoying the heck out of this (picked it up in the Ukraine bundle) and I found the premise adorable. Did notice a bug with my very first play through, though. The party I picked at random was Husky, Corgi, Pug, when my Husky and Corgi were defeated their health icons changed to Pug (0), which is a cosmetic bug and so no big deal. However, after soldiering on for a few levels more with my lone pug, I was fighting the second boss when I finally lost my last hp and I didn't get the game over I should have. It just made a ping sound and then respawned me with 1 hp. This happened over and over again and I quit playing because if defeat is impossible then victory is meaningless!

Feels like a mash-up of NES classics like Ghosts 'n Goblins and Silver Surfer (and the Zelda influence in the graphics is hard to miss) but much more forgiving than either and thus more fun. Love that dog music!

(A long time ago and under a different name I made what could be the direct turn-based RPG equivalent of this game. It is much wordier, and equally but differently silly. You might like it. It's free.)

Thank you for the tip on the bug! There's a chance I'll go back and soup up this game into something bigger in the future, and I'll have to tackle as many of these issues as I can.

I'm really glad you liked the game <3 And Doge Saga looks really cool! I missed Swap In The Middle but I was around on RMN at the time, and I remember thinking it was really cool idea for an event, and it looks like some cool stuff came out of it :D

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Thanks for contributing this to the bundle for racial justice and equality. I'm slowly but surely working my way through the bundle and writing about the journey. 

Dogs throwing swords ended up being my 50th review in the project!

Thanks so much for checking it out! Your huskies are adorable :D


A short and fun little shump. I found Pug with a Husky/Pom backline to be *incredibly* good, but doing a three pug run is also a fun little thing to do. My only compliant is wanting more but that's probably a good thing!

Thank you!! I'm glad you had fun trying different combinations, if I get a chance to expand on the game, I really want to make it fun to experiment with them.


Loved this game, it's cute fast and fun! Though I had some slight glitches with Pom getting stuck inside walls


I'm so glad you liked it! Yea, it's definitely a bit messy in places; maybe one day I'll revisit it and clean it up.

Yep, got it in the Palestine bundle. anything with cute animals immediately gets my attention and I am glad your game was fun! 


Played through it again this morning. Still a great game

Mike, you're too dang kind :D


Wow! simple, but funny mechanics. It's short and very enjoyable! :) congrats!

Ahhh, thanks!!


This is very fun and adorable. Great game!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!


What a fun game! I loved playing it, thank you!


Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it!


Whoa! Is this inspired by Mercenary Force? Very cool.

(1 edit)

Thanks, and yea!! I saw a rundown of Mercenary Force on an episode of Game Boy Works and immediately wanted to riff on it :)


The controls are way better than in Mercenary Force though. Plus dogs are great. This was fun to play. I'd definitely be interested in a more detailed version.

Ah, thank you! I'd love to make a full version some day; I had a lot of fun making levels and there's a *lot* of potential for tweaks and new things.


This is fun! A little short, but are saying that it's only 6 levels, so that's fair. :) I would love a longer one with power-ups or a show for upgrading or leveling or whatever. Do you plan to release a 3rd one?

(1 edit)

Oh wow, thank you! I'm glad you liked it :D 

This version is just the result of a local jam, so it's a bit short. After I finish my current project (BOSSGAME) I'd like to come take another look at Dogs Throwing Swords, because I think there's a lot more I could add to it! I have some ideas for an upgrade system, more levels, and the ability to take hidden/multiple routes through the world!


Sounds amazing. Don't forget to include Greyhounds, though!


Really cute game! I have a corgi myself so I had to main it in the game. The pixel art has a lot of characters and shmups are my jam so I enjoyed playing this!

Ahh, thank you! I'm really glad you liked it, I've wanted to try making a shmup for a long time. I grew up with a corgi mix, too, so I couldn't resist adding one :D


I just _barely_ managed to survive the entire game. Never really was a big fan of shmups but the colors, the levels, music, and the little traps were a fun twist for me. Good stuff uwu

Ahh, thanks! Yea, I'm not actually the best at shmups myself, but I'm glad you had fun! I definitely enjoyed adding a more colorful & playful vibe :)